Primobolan Inj (Methenolon Enantat) Core Labs 10ml




What is Primobolan Inj?

Primobolan Inj (Methenolon Enantat) Core Labs 10ml is an injectable anabolic steroid. It contains 10ml of methenolone enanthate which is a derivative of the naturally occurring hormone testosterone. This steroid has both androgenic and anabolic properties making it an ideal choice for bodybuilders and athletes. Primobolan Inj is one of the most popular anabolic steroids available on the market, due to its positive effects on strength and muscle building.


When it comes to building muscle and strength, Primobolan Inj is the perfect choice for bodybuilders and athletes. It helps improve muscle mass and strength quickly and safely. It encourages an increase in lean muscle mass without adding puffy water retention, and decreases body fat levels, making it an effective choice for cutting cycles. It is also known to improve recovery time after training, allowing athletes to get back in the gym more quickly.

How to take Primobolan Inj

Primobolan Inj should be taken as an intramuscular injection. The usual dosage for beginner bodybuilders is 200-400mg (2-4ml) per week and more experienced bodybuilders may take up to 600-800mg (6-8ml) per week. It is advised to split the dose into two injections per week, taken on non-consecutive days. It is important to take Primobolan Inj correctly as taking too much or too little of the product could lead to adverse effects.


Primobolan Inj should be stored at a temperature of between 15°C and 30°C. Keeping it in a cool place will ensure longer shelf life and better performance. It is important to store Primobolan Inj safely and securely, away from children and in an area that is not accessible to anyone else.

Course of administration

Primobolan Inj should be taken for a minimum of 8-12 weeks in order to ensure the desired results are achieved. It is generally stacked with other anabolic steroids for maximum results. It is also important to take Primobolan Inj with regular meals, in order to keep the level of the product consistent throughout the course of administration.

Indications and Contraindications

Primobolan Inj should only be taken by individuals over the age of 18 and under a doctor’s supervision. It should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women, as it can have serious consequences for the baby. Individuals taking medication or suffering from certain conditions should not take Primobolan Inj. It is important to be aware of all the potential side effects before taking Primobolan Inj.


Primobolan Inj is one of the most popular anabolic steroids available on the market. It is one of the safest and most effective products available for bodybuilders and athletes, helping to improve muscle mass and strength quickly and safely. The big bottle size of 10mls means that it is great value for money, and it can be used multiple times. It is also a relatively affordable steroid, making it an ideal choice for those looking to take advantage of its benefits without breaking the bank.