Primobolan 100 Dragon Pharma




Primobolan 100 – Dragon Pharma

Primobolan 100 – Dragon Pharma is an anabolic androgenic steroid made by Dragon Pharma Laboratories a well-known global pharmaceutical company. It is derived from methenolone, a synthetic derivative of testosterone. It is particularly effective in the promotion of strength and muscle mass gains, whilst aiding in fat reduced and physical conditioning.

Main Features and Benefits

Primobolan 100 – Dragon Pharma is a premium anabolic androgenic steroid to help build lean muscle mass, increase strength, physical performance and endurance. It supports fast gains in lean muscle mass, strength and recovery. The main benefits of Primobolan 100 include:

  • Aids in improving lean muscle mass gains
  • Promotes increased strength and physical performance
  • Enhances fat burning
  • Increases endurance and stamina

Course of Administration and Dosage

Primobolan 100 is mostly used as an oral tablet. It is recommended to take Primobolan 100 1-2 times daily with meals. Experienced bodybuilders take an average dosage of 400-500mg per day with an 8-week cycle. For beginners, a dosage of 200-250mg per day is recommended.

Indications and Contraindications

Primobolan 100 can be used for various indications such as the promotion of muscle mass growth, decreasing muscle loss, increasing strength and enhancing endurance. It should never be used in pregnant women or those with a history of cardiovascular illnesses or liver problems.

Proper Storage

Primobolan 100 should be stored in a dry place away from direct sunlight and temperature of more than 30°C (86°F), and should be also stored below 25°C (77°F). Care should be taken to keep the container tightly closed and free from moisture.

Value for Money

Primobolan 100 is a great value. It is made from high-quality pharmaceutical grade ingredients and is manufactured by a globally recognized company. It can be used to effectively achieve fast and efficient physical conditioning, while offering a balanced approach to muscle mass gains and fat burning. Its effectiveness is well-proven by countless satisfied customers. It also supports optimal recovery and endurance, increasing workout duration and productivity.