Methenolon Enanthate Somatrop-Lab 10ml [100mg/ml]




Methenolon Enanthate Somatrop-Lab 10ml [100mg/ml]:

Methenolon Enanthate Somatrop-Lab 10ml [100mg/ml] is an anabolic steroid ideal for building muscle and strength. This unique product has been designed by Somatrop-Lab, a pharmaceutical company with a reputation for quality, to help bodybuilders safely achieve muscle growth and increased strength.

How to use Methenolon Enanthate Somatrop-Lab 10ml [100mg/ml]

Methenolon Enanthate Somatrop-Lab 10ml [100mg/ml] is administered through an intramuscular injection. It should be injected deep into the muscles and not into any of the fat layers of the body. To ensure that the product is correctly administered, it is important to exercise appropriate hygiene principles by ensuring that the injection site is cleaned with an alcohol swab before injecting and that a clean sterile needle is used.

Course of Administration & Dosage

It is important to consult with a doctor before undertaking any anabolic steroid course. For beginner bodybuilders, courses of Methenolon Enanthate Somatrop-Lab 10ml [100mg/ml] should typically span 8 to 12 weeks. During this time, the recommended dosage is typically around 200 to 400mg per week, given as two or three separate administrations. For experienced bodybuilders, courses of Methenolon Enanthate Somatrop-Lab 10ml [100mg/ml] should typically span 12 to 16 weeks. During this time, the recommended dosage is typically 400 to 600mg per week, given as two or three separate administrations.

Indications & Contraindications

Methenolon Enanthate Somatrop-Lab 10ml [100mg/ml] can help improve strength and increase muscle mass. It is not, however, suitable for all individuals and should therefore not be used in the following situations:

  • If you have any existing physical or mental conditions
  • If you have had a negative reaction to anabolic steroids in the past
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • If you are under the age of 18

Storage Instructions

Methenolon Enanthate Somatrop-Lab 10ml [100mg/ml] should be kept in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and out of reach of children and pets. It should also be kept in its original packaging. If stored correctly, Methenolon Enanthate Somatrop-Lab 10ml [100mg/ml] can be kept for up to three years.

Value & Benefits

Methenolon Enanthate Somatrop-Lab 10ml [100mg/ml] offers many benefits to bodybuilders, helping them to safely and effectively increase their muscle mass. Due to its high-quality formulation and design, it is considered one of the safest anabolic steroids on the market. It also offers excellent value for money, providing a safe and effective way for bodybuilders to reach their goals.